Friday, 23 October 2009


I know Suzy, Watergate was the office complex where the scandal took place! not the scandall itself but I couldnt help myself 
It's not often that a scandal occurs within the walls of  Action Medical Research HQ but as it seems so long since "dietcokegate" I thought I'd create a new watercooler moment...  it probably wont last that long, seeing as this is actually quite dull in comparison to said cokegate but there is a very important highly classified document that has gone missing!! 
We are offering a £10,000 reward to anyone with information concerning the dissapearance of my China brochure publicity approval form.  Or heaven forbid I'll have to make a new one!  Think of all the printing costs people, your charity needs you!
Rumours are circulating that a certain Oly Watts has run off to Switzerland with the top secret documents and is in negotiations with the Federal Authorities of the Swis Confederation...  Oly has been filling our minds with ideas that he's taking part in a Eurovision Spinathon but I have my suspicions...
and breathe a sigh of relief everyone, Tracey has found the china brochure!  It turns out that actually people go on holiday and arent here when I send out threatening emails to "All Staff VH"
And so that means that Oly really is taking part in a 24 hour spinathon with lots of men and women in spandex in a massive gym banging out hard house in Switzerland!!  That's an image that will stay with me!
But back to the real world.  Suzy has almost filled her marathon Golden Bond places!  She only has 11 left so if you would like a place or know someone who is really keen to join our Action running team for the Virgin London Marathon then do  go to the website as soon as possible  
and with just that little snippet of news for this week, all that's left for me to say get well soon Mark!  Have a lovely week off next week, and we hope your arm heals quickly so you can get out on your bike again soon.

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