Friday, 6 November 2009

This week's weekly news brought to you by Gemma Rooke

Oly tells me this morning that we now have 430 participants for London to Paris!!  which means we are definitely going to hit the magic 500 mark by the end of the month, which means I can officially give it a whoop whoop!
and there is more excitement in the cycling department..  Heineken are on the verge of sponsoring our brand new cycle event for 2011, the Three Cities Tour, and Oly has been in discussion with our favourite boys from the US writing up a proposal and aiming to seal the deal by christmas.  The Three Cities Tour will be taking in London, Amsterdam and Brussels and we're hoping a tour of the Heineken factory in Amsterdam will be on the cards, which could even be a bigger selling point than the beer festival which will be on in Brussels when we get there...  we are already fighting over who gets to go on the trip and of course this is not because of said festival, oh no, we just love cycling that much!
Oly and Matt are over at the Emirates stadium today hoping to have a go at (some of) the new Stadium Climb event to get an idea of exactly how many steps there are in the challenge and how the participants are going to feel on the day, which I can now tell you will be the 4th July 2010, so put it in your diaries and watch this space for the official staff launch, with prizes to win, coming to a weekly near you...  soon.
and you wouldnt think there is anything that could match this in just one week.  But you'd be wrong.  take a seat everyone, it's official, I am running the Virgin London Marathon on the 25th April!!  I'll be running with my lovely dad (aaaah) and we're going to be raising £3500 for our favourite charity Action Medical Research. I wont pester you too much for sponsorship, but we do have a page set up so if you're feeling generous please go and make a donation.  If you're not, then dont bother, I only want to see big donations in there! (kidding) and dont forget to tick the Gift Aid box.
the penultimate news piece this week comes from the lovely Suzy who has secured a stand at the London Boat Show in January.  It's running from 8th - 17th and we'd love for anyone who has some time to spare to come along and give us a hand promoting Sail the Solent 2010.  It's a great opportunity to oggle some rather beautiful boats, and will be a good excuse to get out the house rather than sitting under a blanket watching that carry on film you'd rather not be watching and wishing it was warmer outside.
and so last but certainly not least - from all the Events team
Thank you very much for being webmaster superstars and getting all of our events on to the website this week.  We now have beautiful landing pages for; Dunsfold, Three Peaks, Race the Sun, Three Peaks Bike and Hike and Sail the Solent.
we heart you grant and james 
see all our new events on the website

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