Friday, 26 February 2010

It's been madder than a sack of squirrels this week in events!

Jo came back from her holiday come recce in Cambodia and we've literally snapped up the Ultimate Travel Company for a trek in the beautiful country next Autumn. Dates for your diaries everyone, Cambodia Trek 3-11 October 2011.

Mums on the run also has come up a beaut, with 15 mums already signed up to run the Bupa London 10000 in May. Adverts have been circulating and postcards will soon be hitting London at doctors, nurseries, dentists, hospitals, you name it in the next week or two so if you want a place in the best 10K run in town then secure your place soon before they all fly off the shelves!
Three Cities Tour has also gone live this week. The website is looking great and we've already had a lot of interest in the new bike tour for 2011 - could this rival the new 6th route for L2P? Watch this space for hot news hitting a weekly near you soon.

and we're happy to announce that the brand new UK challenge Three Peaks Bike and Hike now has 24 teams signed up to hit the Yorkshire Dales this May. There is still space for an Action team so if you fancy joining Kerry for this challenge get your names in quick.

and the fun doesnt stop this week, we thought we couldnt beat the great news that Suzy is moving to a lovely new house, Gem passed her driving test and became an aunty all on the same day, Fin Raziel's new ep is launching and Ols managed to stay in the pub until a record time of 8pm, but seriously next week is going to get off to a cracking start....

Wear you Wellies is getting a face lift! Next wednesday we'll be filming a short video for the website so if you fancy getting your pretty faces on t'internet then just bring your boots in for some seriously fun welly wanging wickedness!

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