Friday, 12 February 2010

This week we've been settling in nicely to our new home and giving everyone a cribs style tour of the new pad... We're also really happy to have our new team member Lizzy with us too, she's been getting right into the swing of things with "ranting thursdays" and "lets eat cake fridays" but has so far managed to avoid most of the temptation and made me realise just how much cake we get through on a weekly basis! We'll wear her down soon enough.

Big news of the week is the Virgin London Marathon ballot is CLOSED! Suzy has given out the last few golden bond places and we now have 81 confirmed golden bond runners and a fantastic 8 own place runners joining us in the worlds greatest marathon in April. We're still after some lovely volunteers to help us cheer on the runners on the day, if you have a free couple of hours on Sunday 25th April, do join us on one of the 4 cheering party spots and help us whoop, cheer and hand out those much needed jelly babies!

and if you dont already know we're a man (or woman) down on the day already as I will be running it this year with my dad (aaah) if you fancy parting with some of your hard earned cash for a great cause then you can sponsor us at thanks to all who have sponsored us so far. my sister also made us a really funny link which will be hitting facebook and other websites soon - check it out

but enough about me! Matty is also hitting the social media hard this week as team Action Allstars are in the running for a place in the Drambuie Challenge. We have to get into the top five teams on the voting board to get a place in the challenge and the top team voted in get an amazing £2,500 donated to their charity! There is no reason why you shouldnt be voting people - your Action Allstars need you! make sure your friends and family vote too by forwarding on this link

Ols is also after your help too this week. The Active Bike and Triathlon show runs from 21 - 24 April and we're looking for some volunteers to help man the stand. We are also looking for one special person to come down on the Saturday afternoon (24th) to take down the stand and bring it back to VH HQ as Ols will be in Green Park helping with the marathon that afternoon. Just give us a shout if you can lend a hand - and we'll do we what do best in return; give you cake!

and that is about it for another week.. Lizzy really meant it this morning when she said "I dont want to talk about it" so news on BYB and Wellies to Work will come to you another time.

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